篇名 | 建築物中庭空間夏季通風潛力評估之研究─以正方形中庭為例 |
並列篇名 | A Study on the Assessment of Ventilation Potential for Courtyard Building in Summer– A Case Study on Square Courtyard Building |
作者 | 洪一安、林憲德、周榮華 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要探討正方形建築物中庭空間的夏季通風環境,以田口式直交表實驗計劃法,有效地簡化眾多通風因子與模擬組合,再運用計算流體力學(Computation Fluid Dynamic, CFD)數值模擬進行解析,之後換算為通風潛力值VP(Ventilation Potential)來探討中庭空間1.5m高人行尺度的風環境概況。其中在模型開口邊數的VP值比較中,三邊開口中庭(VP=0.54)> 兩邊開口中庭(VP=0.52) > 單邊開口中庭(VP=0.33),顯示兩邊開口的中庭風速比會比單邊開口的中庭有顯著的提升,再多開口已無太大助益;另外開口斜向入風的中庭(VP=0.62)會比開口迎風(VP=0.53)與開口背風(VP=0.33)的中庭風速比來得高,尤其是對邊開口的中庭型式(VP=0.72)是最有利於中庭通風的建築類型。最後本研究彙整正方形建築物在不同通風因子下的中庭空間VP值,並繪製成簡易的評估表格,以供一般使用者在建築規劃階段的設計參考,以確保行人在中庭空間的舒適性。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigates the ventilation environment of the courtyard space above the ground 1.5m for the square courtyard building in summer. It applies the Taguchi method to simplify the various factors and experiment compositions. Following it uses Computation Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation to propose the Ventilation Potential (VP). The results show that the three-side openings group gets the highest VP value(0.54), then is the two-side openings group(0.52), and the smallest value is the one-side opening group(0.33), which means that the more courtyard side openings, the higher the VP value, and the two-side openings group is especially obvious. Moreover, though the VP of the wind incident angle at 45° of the opening side group(0.62) is better than the face of the wind group(0.53) and leeward side group(0.33), the best performance of VP is the opposite-side openings group(0.72). This study sorts the different VP of the courtyard types which affected by different factors to a simple reference table for architectural design and planning to assure the comfort of courtyard environment. |
起訖頁 | 047-060 |
關鍵詞 | CFD數值模擬、中庭空間、通風評估、田口式直交表實驗計劃法、CFD、Courtyard space、Ventilation Assessment、Taguchi Method |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201406 (88期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014060088004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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