篇名 | 從碳平衡觀點探討都市空間發展之特性-以台灣各縣市為例 |
並列篇名 | The Research of Urban Spatial Development Feature from Carbon Neutral Perspective - A Case Study on Taiwan Cities |
作者 | 張學聖、郭婷婷、陳姿伶 |
中文摘要 | 永續發展係指建構一個具有人性尺度的生態、生活、生產環境,城市為氣候變遷全球化與在地化之關鍵網絡節點,在永續發展過程中,扮演更為主導性的角色。近年來低碳城市(Low Carbon City)概念的崛起,為都市規劃領域依據永續發展與生態原則提出城鄉關係、交通運輸原則與土地利用規劃新思維。本文嘗試進行各都市發展之碳排推估與其綠環境固碳效果之關係討論,試圖透過碳平衡的觀點以檢視目前各都市規劃下發展程度與環境本身的調節能力,來檢視環境自我循環之生態平衡程度。文中分別以二種空間單元進行分析,研究結果顯示,若以「行政轄區」為空間單元進行檢視都市空間碳平衡,新北市與高雄市因具備天然林高覆蓋率,碳平衡結果較佳;若以「都市發展區」為空間單元,碳平衡結果顯示台灣地區縣市普遍面臨碳失衡的狀態,且高碳排城市主要受產業的高度發展與集中、航空站與港口的貨物運輸需求及高人口集居所致,而不完備的綠地固碳之都市規劃,將導致都市發展程度超過自然環境負荷之狀態。討論結果期能供後續永續性都市發展與碳平衡城市建構規劃之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Sustainable development indicates to build up a humanity environment integrated ecology, living and economy. Cities are key nodes under climate change and localization, and will become predominant roles in sustainable development process. In addition, the concept of low carbon city leads new planning direction of the relationship between urban and country, communication and transportation principals and land uses based on sustainable development and ecological principal. This paper attempts to discuss the relationship between urban carbon emission and carbon concentrating mechanisms and further review the present development degree and the self-adjustment ability. The outcome shows that the cities in the west of Taiwan are mostly highly urbanized area and reveals high carbon emission in these cities. However, New Taipei City and Kaohsiung City have high natural forest coverage ratio and result in high carbon concentrating mechanisms in these two cities. As for the result of carbon neutral in urban developed area shows that almost every city faces on carbon un-neutral problem and comes out urban green area is unable to bear the high carbon emission came from urban developed area. Besides, high carbon emission cities cause by industries highly aggregated, the goods transportation demand and high population concentration plus incomplete carbon concentrating mechanisms in urban planning leads the serious impacts on natural environment. The discussed results are expected to be the reference for future sustainable development strategy and urban planning. |
起訖頁 | 137-157 |
關鍵詞 | 低碳城市、固碳效果、碳平衡、Low Carbon City、Carbon Concentrating Mechanisms、Carbon Neutral |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201403 (87期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014030087008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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