  1. 熱門:
The Impacts of Cross Strait Direct Transportation Link on Regional Economic and Industrial Development: A Regional Input-Output Model Analysis
作者 林幸君



In literature, most studies utilize the CGE model and GTAP database to evaluate the economic impacts of cross strait direct transportation link. However, there are only 57 sectors in GTAP 8 database without inter-regional input output data. In this study, we construct the cross strait 96 sectors Inter-Country Input-Output table based on Taiwan and China Input-Output tables and trade statistics between Taiwan and China. Based on the cost saving data and the increases of trade volumes after cross strait transportation link, we investigate the impacts of cross strait direct transportation link on regional economic and industrial development. In this paper, we design eight simulate circumstances and tries to evaluate the impacts of cross strait direct transportation link based on Chen (2010) and the Ministry of Transportation and Statistics epartment (2011) survey data. The empirical results indicate that the effect of cost saving and growth effect in passenger transportation is larger than the freight effect. Furthermore, the impacts on China are larger than Taiwan’s impacts.

起訖頁 001-054
關鍵詞 兩岸直航區域投入產出模型投入產出連結表Cross StraitDirect Transport LinkRegional Input-Output ModelInter-countryInput Output Table
刊名 應用經濟論叢
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
期數 201506 (97期)
DOI 10.3966/054696002015060097001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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