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Challenges and Curriculum Planning for Family Nurse Practitioners in Domestic Settings: An International Perspective
作者 于素英林慧萍




Examining the models and core competencies for cultivating advanced nursing professionals, the United States’ nursing education system serves as a benchmark of effective practice. This system, characterized by the formulation of professional roles and functions by specialized organizations, standardized curricula, and corresponding assessment criteria, ensures the consistent development of competent professionals. In contrast, domestic challenges in curriculum planning for family nurse practitioners include discrepancies with international standards, misalignment of curriculum content, shortages of qualified educational and clinical faculty, and limited opportunities for clinical practi-cum. Such constraints adversely affect the quality of instruction and hinder the development of clini-cal proficiency and adaptive skills among students. To address these challenges, collaborative efforts are required among governmental agencies, educational institutions, and relevant professional bodies. By designing effective educational models and practical solutions, these stakeholders can enhance the quality of nursing education and cultivate proficient and adaptable nursing professionals, thereby en-riching the overall healthcare landscape


起訖頁 005-013
關鍵詞 家庭專科護理師進階護理師課程規劃困境family nurse practitioneradvanced practice registered nursescurriculum planningchallenges
刊名 台灣專科護理師學刊  
期數 202408 (11:1期)
出版單位 台灣專科護理師學會
該期刊-下一篇 家庭專科護理師之賦能與社區健康永續發展




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