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Gender issues and needs of people with disabilities
作者 張翠芬




Individuals with disabilities often face complex gender-related problems because of their special needs. In particular, women with disabilities often face many challenges pertaining to reproductive health, gender-based violence, and chronic disease management. In addition, transportation difficulties and financial constraints further hinder their access to continuous chronic disease care and management. Compared with women, men with disabilities have higher needs for mental health and accident prevention; however, social expectations and gender role pressure often deter such men from seeking psychological support. Transgender individuals with disabilities have complex requirements related to gender-affirming treatment and often face discrimination and misunderstanding in medical settings. To solve this problem, medical institutions should enhance gender awareness among their medical personnel to promote inclusivity and improve service quality. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the focus on the specific gender health needs of individuals with disabilities from various aspects. This includes providing gender-sensitive training courses, and establishing effective support mechanisms, such as measures to prevent gender-based violence prevention and offering psychological support services. These efforts are essential to ensure that individuals with disabilities receive equal rights and safety in addressing their unique gender issues.


起訖頁 064-068
關鍵詞 身心障礙者性別議題健康問題性別敏感性people with disabilitiesgender issueshealth problemgender-sensitive
刊名 醫療品質雜誌  
期數 202409 (18:5期)
出版單位 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
該期刊-上一篇 多重抗藥革蘭氏陰性菌感染照護的現在與未來




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