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Principles of Obstetric Risk Management in Medical Care
作者 徐明洸




Obstetric risk management is a systematic and continual process that necessitates the collective collaboration of all members within medical institutions. It is also a critical component in clinical practice that clinicians cannot afford to overlook. Through the identification, assessment, control, and monitoring of risks; ongoing training and education, team collaboration; and the establishment of a culture of medical safety, obstetric risks may be effectively reduced and the safety of both mothers and newborns may be enhanced. Additionally, improving maternal health knowledge, ensuring regular prenatal check-ups, strengthening psychological health education, and proactively addressing emergencies are all effective strategies for minimizing obstetric risks. In the future, as technology and medical techniques advance, obstetric risk management is expected to become increasingly scientific and systematic as well as more comprehensive and refined. Obstetricians should, therefore, continuously stay informed about and learn new risk management knowledge to adapt to the constantly evolving medical environment.


起訖頁 012-018
關鍵詞 產科風險管理風險識別風險評估監控醫療安全文化obstetric risk managementrisk identificationrisk assessment and controlculture of medical safety
刊名 醫療品質雜誌  
期數 202409 (18:5期)
出版單位 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
該期刊-上一篇 國家對於孕產兒安全之政策規劃
該期刊-下一篇 應用指標管理提升新生兒加護病房(NICU)早產兒照護品質




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