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The Collaboration in the Case of Gongliao Water Terrace Restoration: An Attempt to Realize Terrestrial Ecological Objectives
作者 蔡偉銑 (Wei-hsien Tsai)
貢寮水梯田復育是「里山倡議國際夥伴關係網絡」肯定的重要案例,相關文獻雖已彰顯林務局與人禾等組織參與貢寮區水梯田復育的重要性,然仍未能釐清參與過程的關鍵因素。 本研究透過深度訪談,發現參與者間的信任與協力對於實踐貢寮區復育計畫的關鍵性,人禾等在既有信任關係的基礎上,藉由「生態勞務委託標準」等制度設計的「參與誘因」,體現參與者間的價值偏好與認同、知識學習、深化互信與合作的緊密關係,而有別於文獻「即刻結果」的影響程度。本研究發現環境生態價值觀的偏好與認同,可能是環境生態議題能否有效實踐的「適當條件」。
The restoration of water terraces in Gongliao is an important case affirmed and shared by the “Lishan Initiative International Partnership Network”. Although the relevant literature has demonstrated the importance of the Forestry Bureau and Renhe participating in the restoration of water terraces in Gongliao District, they have not been able to. Identify the key elements of the chess synergy process.
Through in-depth interviews, this study finds that local participation is critical to the practice of restoration plans in Gongliao District. The “participation incentives” designed by systems such as the “Ecological Labor Service Entrustment Standard” reflect value preference and recognition, knowledge learning and Mutual trust is critical to deepening the collaborative relationship. Unlike the literature that emphasizes the importance of “immediate results”, this study finds that preference and recognition of environmental and ecological values may be the “appropriate conditions” for whether environmental and ecological issues can be effectively implemented.
起訖頁 1-53
關鍵詞 貢寮水梯田棘手問題信任協力
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 預刊 (36-37卷(2024-2025)期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X202304001   複製DOI
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