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The Study of Social Innovation Decision-Making Models in Community Work Organizations: A User-Centered Innovation Perspective
作者 吳敏綺梁鎧麟 (Kai-Lin Liang)
Since 2012, the European Union’s INNOSERV project has addressed issues like aging societies and immigrant communities through“User Involvement.”This approach aims to engage local stakeholders in community governance. Similarly, Taiwan’s recent community work initiatives have embraced this trend, utilizing strategies such as deliberative democracy and participatory design to adopt user-centered and userinvolved approaches. This study uses qualitative methods to examine two community work organizations in Nantou that are promoting social innovation programs. Through in-depth stakeholder interviews, it explores how these organizations advance innovative services by focusing on user-centered approaches. The findings reveal that organizations use social capital to gather users and employ empowerment strategies to encourage collective action, forming“user involvement.”Additionally, they connect local network communities through social capital and shared values, fostering exchanges and cooperation to provide locally needed services. This approach results in“user-centered”services, empowering users, increasing their engagement in community affairs, enhancing local organizational interaction, and improving service effectiveness. In the long term, user-centered services are more likely to be successful and effective. However, they are perceived as high-cost in the short term, often leading to frustration for service providers given limited resources. Therefore, organizational leaders play a critical role. They must empower partners with innovative thinking, understand local needs, and select appropriate projects and resources to sustain social innovation development.
起訖頁 83-121
關鍵詞 社區工作社會創新以使用者為中心使用者參與community worksocial innovationuser-centereduser involvement
刊名 社會工作與社會福利學刊  
期數 202402 (3期)
出版單位 台灣社會工作教育學會
DOI 10.53106/295861272024020003003   複製DOI
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