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The Scope and Judicial Pathways on Climate Change Litigation in China Mainland
作者 呂爽
For a long period of time, climate change has been acknowledged as a global environmental challenge confronting the international community, sparking intense discussions on relevant legal issues. Whether within the framework of international or domestic legal governance, the subject of climate change litigation demands special consideration. As emerging concepts like“carbon neutrality”and“emission peaking”gain traction, the scope of climate change litigation in China mainland is poised to broaden, encompassing aspects such as carbon emissions trading, carbon sinks, carbon finance, and cases related to climate infringement. Administrative litigation, among other case types, is also anticipated to enter the judicial arena, necessitating the urgent establishment of a judicial framework for climate change litigation. Notably, international climate change litigation primarily revolves around administrative litigation focused on government negligence, complemented by civil litigation targeting carbon emission behemoths. In contrast, China mainland, entering the arena later, has adopted a distinctly different approach, featuring a range of potentially coexisting climate justice models. These models prioritize contract disputes, environmental tort disputes, and civil public interest litigation under the purview of private law. This approach is complemented by climate change private administrative litigation and public administrative litigation.
起訖頁 171-188
關鍵詞 氣候變化訴訟碳中和與碳達峰訴訟範圍司法路徑氣候司法體系Climate Change LitigationCarbon Neutrality and Emission PeakScope of Climate Change LitigationJudicial PathwaysClimate Justice System
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 202409 (352期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.53106/1025593135209   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 過失犯預見可能性與責任主體之判斷方法──以日本明石市沙灘陷沒事故為例
該期刊-下一篇 民法研究與民法解釋(譯文)




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