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A Study on Seismic Behavior and Retrofit of Full-Scale Suspended Piping Systems
作者 柯敏琪 (Min-Chi Ko)姚昭智 (George. C .Yao)許宸珮黃珮宜

台灣地震歷史經驗中,醫療與公共場所的懸吊式系統經常因震動過大導致損壞,其中以管線系統損壞最為 常見。由於設備相關設計單位越來越常藉助懸吊式共同管線吊架進行規畫整合,除了可有效減少施工干涉與空 間使用效率不彰等問題,亦可有效提升管理便利性。然而懸吊系統經常只考量自重設計懸吊構件,較少考慮到 懸吊系統在地震力作用下可能發生之行為。本研究以單桿消防撒水系統與共同管線吊架系統為研究對象,參考 現有相關耐震規範 NFPA13、ISAT,並利用振動台與靜力側推實驗觀察成效。系統識別結果顯示:管線系統以 角鋼與斜撐補強後,支管末端側向頻率可由 2.1 Hz 提升至 7Hz;牙桿斜撐補強吊架側向亦可將該向頻率由 0.79 Hz 增至 9.23 Hz,且側向勁度由 0.44 kgf/mm 增至 42.4 kgf/mm,顯示以剛性支撐作為補強構件,可有效增加系 統勁度,減少懸吊系統在地震發生時的振動量。



In Taiwan, suspended systems were easily damaged after severe shaking in hospitals and public spaces. These situations not only reduce the building function performance but also cost lots of money and time to recover the system, and the damaged piping systems were commonly found. Suspended trapeze systems are designed for integrating equipment to reduce construction interference, space inefficiency, and improve the management convenience efficiency. However, self-weight was the only designed parameter when sizing the suspension components. The earthquake response was not considered. This study takes the general practiced suspended fire-protection sprinkler piping system and suspended trapeze system for example, and retrofitted to the NFPA13 and ISAT seismic codes. By shaking table tests and static tests, the system identification and system characteristic were analyzed for before and after retrofitting suspended systems response.


起訖頁 001-015
關鍵詞 設備物系統消防撒水系統共同吊架系統系統識別Non-Structural ComponentsSuspended Fire-Protection Sprinkler Piping SystemSuspended Piping Trapeze SystemSystem Identification
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202303 (123增刊期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 5 層樓以下集合住宅增設昇降設備之避難層出入口寬度探討




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