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從護學到衛國—— 南宋的太學祠祀信仰
From the Protection of Learning to the Protection of the Nation: Worship in the Southern Song Dynasty Taixue
作者 林君憲




Folk beliefs flourished during the Song Dynasty, and even the highest educational institution, the taixue (National University), had a deity that was worshipped. According to the History of the Song Dynasty, the god worshipped in the Southern Song taixue was Yue Fei. However, after examining the relevant records, this paper finds that the folk beliefs of the Taixue actually underwent a change from the worship of the land god (tudi shen) to the later use of Yue Fei as the god of the temple. The reasons for this change are related to the rising awareness of the student body at the taixue and the national policy of praising loyalty (jing zhong 旌忠). The article also discusses the implications of this belief, pointing out that although the belief in Yue Fei as the temple deity was becoming more and more accepted, and although “praising loyalty” had become the mainstream value of the belief, the original “efficacious” quality of the god did not disappear, but rather combined with it, vividly demonstrating the dynamic nature of the development process of the belief.


起訖頁 123-176
關鍵詞 太學岳飛靈通廟忠顯廟祠祀信仰taixue (National University) Yue FeiLingtong TempleZhongxian Templepopular cults
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 202312 (15期)
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