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The Spread and Acceptance of the Yuzhu Xiaojing as Seen in the Xiaojing huangdi gan
作者 姚魯元

唐玄宗(685-762, 712-756在位)曾兩次頒《御注孝經》,欲統一諸家舊注,敦煌本《孝經皇帝感》即《御注》的民間衍生文本,其通俗的表述、名實不符的文本來源,與官方正典截然有別。本文以《御注》兩種文本為例,考察其在民間的傳播與接受形式,探討皇帝權力的下行及邊界。從文本內容來看,《御注》以注疏闡發玄宗「君臣同體」的微言大義,具有君臣關係一元化的特質。《孝經皇帝感》卻是以《御注》讚歌與地方流行的鄭玄舊注拼接而成,皇帝意志受限庶民認知能力而被篩除。從文本產生、傳播的過程來看,五代敦煌仍然延用鄭注,《御注》寥寥無幾,民間歌場效仿《御注金剛經讚詞》創作的《孝經皇帝感》卻頗為流行,反哺了玄宗頒行《御注》於天下的意圖。這種文本雖然剝離御注經典的原生意義,但潛在地成為皇帝的象徵符號,成功傳達其權威。



During the reign of Tang Xuanzong (685-762, r. 712-756), the Yuzhu Xiaojing was issued twice to try to unify older annotations. The Xiaojing huangdi gan found in the Dunhuang manuscripts is a folk derivative text of the Yuzhu Xiaojing. Its popular style and the unorthodox source of the text are completely different from the canon promulgated by the imperial court. This article focuses on the two forms of the Yuzhu Xiaojing to discuss the spread and acceptance of the emperor’s authority among the people. On the one hand, judging from the content of the two texts, Yuzhu Xiaojing conveys Xuanzong’s interpretation of the “subtle meaning” of the classic: that “the monarch and his subjects are the same.” Its annotations serve to unify the ideological relationship between the monarch and his subjects. However, Xiaojing huangdi gan is a combination of the summary verses of the Yuzhu Xiaojing and the traditional annotations of Zheng Xuan, which had remained popular at the local level. On the other hand, from the point of view of the text generation and dissemination process, in Five Dynasties Dunhuang, Zheng’s annotations remained in use, and there were very few copies of the Yuzhu Xiaojing. Instead, the Xiaojing huangdi gan, which was spontaneously created in folk music venues in imitation of the Summary Verses of the Diamond Sutra, was quite popular. Thus, the emperor’s intentions were fulfilled in an indirect way. Although this text completely away stripped the original meaning of the Yuzhu Xiaojing, it successfully became an imperial symbol, conveying the emperor’s authority.


起訖頁 001-060
關鍵詞 孝經皇帝感御注孝經皇帝權威唐玄宗君臣關係Xiaojing huangdi ganYuzhu XiaojingTang Xuanzongimperial authoritymonarch-subject relations
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 202312 (15期)
該期刊-下一篇 試論紹熙內禪後中樞政局與權力轉移




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