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Yvonne’s House in Modiano’s Novel Ville Triste: Happy Space or Place of Illusory Happiness?
作者 林待吟




Speaking of the "poetics" of space, Bachelard immediately thinks of the house. He especially exalts the house where people live since childhood, where he tries to explore the "happy mind". He details each space of a house, from the cellar to the attic, and at the same time analyzes the cabinets and drawers within. Because he explores not only space, but also wants to understand the intimate interaction between the space and the occupants. But most of the characters in Modiano’s novels are stateless and without identity documents. How do these people imagine or see a house that grew up from childhood? These characters rarely talk about their homes, and even less of a chance to go back to the houses they lived in as children. In his novels, it was not until the fourth novel Villa Triste that the description of the family house appeared for the first time. This is the home of the heroine Yvonne. Between this house and Yvonne, is there something touching like that described by Bachelard? Moreover, how does Victor Chmara, the stateless protagonist of the novel and Yvonne’s fiancé, see this house? This article will analyze the description of the house in Villa Triste from Bachelard’s point of view. We will discover Yvonne’s home, her childhood bedroom – an intimate space Bachelard admires, then see a neighboring room which evokes disappearance and the untraceable past, and finally in a last part, we will explore a paradise-like garage, and we will see what perception Victor Chmara has of the home.


起訖頁 039-054
關鍵詞 家屋詩意空間童年的房間修車廠
刊名 語文與國際研究期刊  
期數 202312 (30期)
出版單位 文藻外語大學
該期刊-上一篇 赫爾曼·梅爾維爾〈錄事巴托比:華爾街的故事〉中的反科技化之力
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