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Legal Study on Competition Regulation Regarding Large Digital Platforms in The Digital Markets
作者 黃佩琳
當萬物聯網的時代來臨,任何能夠聯網的設備都能成為蒐集數據資料與提供服務的平台,消費者在使用這些設備及服務的同時,也持續不斷的在提供數據資料給這些平台,這使得原先網路產業的營運搜尋引擎、社交網絡、網路市場和應用商店Alphabet、Meta、Amazon 、Apple 等大型數位平台順勢崛起。
The digital economy is a new economic model with big data as its core. The main characteristics of the digital market are strong network effects and economies of scale. Due to these characteristics, the digital market can easily evolve into a winner-take-all natural monopoly or oligopoly. The rise of big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology has accelerated the penetration of data analysis services into users’ daily life applications switching from traditional computer services to applications in other fields.
With the arrival of Internet of Everything (IoE), any device with Internet function will act as the platform for technology companies to provide services and collect data. While consumers use these devices and services, they also unconsciously provide data to these platforms. This unique feature makes the original large digital platforms such as Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, and Apple that operate search engines, social networks, online markets, and application stores in the Internet industry rising along with the trend.
Big data is the source of digital market power. Large digital platforms obtain user data from the platform, which can be used to improve their products so as to strengthen their market leader position. Data that is structured and analyzed may become closed and form a barrier to market entry. The formation of monopoly or oligopoly involves issues related to competition law. In recent years, these large digital platforms’ restrictive competition behaviors in the digital market include eliminating competitors through killer acquisitions and acquiring key technologies through acquisitions; concerted action: using pricing algorithms to reach fixed price agreements; abusing market dominance; refusal to provide access to data, discrimination in price, tie-in, and other exclusionary behaviors.
This research focuses on the competition law regulations in the digital market, targeting the cases of restrictive competition. The paper will also discuss the latest development trends of competition law in international digital markets. The conclusion of this research weighs in on the status of competition law regulations and enforcement in Taiwan, intending to provide future directions, and suggestions on improvement of system adjustment and innovation.
起訖頁 1-175
關鍵詞 競爭法數位經濟數位市場大型數位平台人工智慧(AI)Competition lawDigital economyDigital marketLarge digital platformAI
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東吳大學 
該期刊-上一篇 央行數位貨幣發行之法制與監理
該期刊-下一篇 央行數位貨幣發行之法制與監理




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