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The Constitutionality of the Civil Code Article 1063 Paragraph 2: Review on J. Y. Interpretation Nos. 587
作者 許育典郭兆軒
Paragraph 2 of Article 1063 of the Civil Code, which was amended in 2007, only allowed one spouse to file a lawsuit for denial of legitimate children. The J. Y. Interpretation Nos. 587 stated that not allowing children to file a lawsuit violates the protection of constitutional personality rights and litigation rights. The Civil Code was amended in 2007 to comply with the constitutional interpretation. In contrast, the part that does not allow the biological father to file a lawsuit is considered by this constitutional interpretation to be consistent with the requirements of the principle of proportionality in the Constitution. The limited easing of the restrictions lies in the formation of legislation freedom and should be left to legislators to decide after considering social changes. This article put forth different opinions and argues that parental rights are the basic rights guaranteed by Article 22 of the Constitution in Taiwan. After the amendment in 2007, Article 1063, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code still completely excludes the rights of the biological father and fails to allow any exceptions, it is therefore unconstitutional to excessively restrict the legal rights of the biological father and his parental rights.
It is possible that the J. Y. Interpretation Nos. 587 only addressed the review of legal right of the biological father without considering the possibility of other basic rights. Another reason may be that when the J. Y. Interpretation Nos. 587 was made, the trial procedure norms had not yet been improved. Therefore, the judges could not provide effective relief to people from individual divorce cases in the constitutional review. The Constitutional Court Procedure Act has been officially implemented this year which introduced the constitutional review procedure for final judgments to enable Grand Justices the opportunity to ensure that people obtain timely and effective protection of basic rights when adjudicating specific cases. The institutional dilemma highlighted by the cases cited in this article may entice a more satisfactory and contemporary response from the guardians of the constitution court that currently adjudicate the constitutional review cases.
起訖頁 51-105
關鍵詞 婚生推定婚生子女非婚生子女婚生否認之訴民法第一千零六十三條第二項司法院釋字第五八七解釋親權立法形成自由比例原則基本權利衝突Presumption of LegitimacyChild Born in WedlockChildren Born Out of WedlockAction to Disavow Presumed PaternityArticle 1063 Paragraph 2 of the Civil CodeJ. Y. Interpretation Nos. 587The Right and Responsibility of ParentsLegislative DiscretionPrinciple of ProportionalityThe Conflict Between Constitutional Rights
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊  
期數 202404 (83期)
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
DOI 10.53106/172876182024040083002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 明星運動員個人公開權保護之研究——以美國經驗為主
該期刊-下一篇 資訊受託人理論之研究及對我國之啟示




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