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Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Buy Now Pay Later
作者 龔柏龍
本文分析先買後付在我國現行法上面臨之問題,先買後付在法制監理上面臨相關法規適用上之分散與不足、公司資金貸與限制過苛之現象。又先買後付無疑是一種支付方式,然其內涵則不僅於此,釐清先買後付之內涵有其重要性,始得在法制監理中制定合宜之計。因此,本文研析先買後付之本質,認為先買後付屬於消費者信用產品,在此脈絡下借鏡外國立法例及政策,包含英國、美國、澳洲及新加坡,並檢視我國先買後付法制與監理上可資運用之手段。本文以為我國應制定一般性消費者信用法規,劃定消費者信用產品之監理範圍,並依產品之風險水平定其監理密度,是以,本文最後嘗試在此框架下對先買後付之法制建構及各項監理議題方向提出建議以為結論。本文自2023 年6 月完成至今,BNPL 監理與法制環境變化迅速,國內外相關立法與監理政策不斷更新,為不影響原論文之章節架構,本文乃於文末增加附錄章節以為補充。
The outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the general public’s daily consumption patterns. To reduce the risk of contagion, consumers have embraced contactless payment and have become more cautious in controlling their financial outflows, thereby favoring deferred payment methods. Accordingly, Buy Now Pay Later (hereinafter BNPL) has emerged. Consumers are not required to make immediate full payments at the time of purchase but can choose to delay payment or opt for installment payments while paying with BNPL. However, many potential risks associated with BNPL have caught the attention from different sectors.
Under the current legal framework in Taiwan, BNPL does not fall under any specialized business regulations and is open to various industries to engage in BNPL business. As a result, its legal treatment is subject to general laws or private contracts, leading to ambiguity and divergence of opinions among consumers, businesses, and regulatory authorities. BNPL is undoubtedly a payment instrument, but much more than just payment. It is important to understand BNPL, and appropriate regulatory and supervisory framework can be established.
This thesis examines the challenges faced by BNPL in our country’s current legal framework, focusing on the unsatisfying application of relevant regulations and laws. This thesis also analyzes the essence of BNPL, identifying it as a form of consumer credit product. Drawing insights from foreign legislative examples and policies, including those from the UK, US, Australia, and Singapore, this thesis explores potential approaches for the legal framework and supervision of BNPL in Taiwan. The paper argues that we should establish comprehensive consumer credit regulations and proposes recommendations for the legal construction of BNPL and various regulatory issues within this framework.
起訖頁 1-134
關鍵詞 先買後付無卡分期消費者信用支付金融監理Buy Now Pay LaterBNPLConsumer CreditPaymentFinancial TechnologyFinancial Supervision
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東吳大學 
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