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Effects of Glutamine Supplementation on the Gut Health and Immune Function of Athletes
作者 呂東霖王中原 (Chung-Yuan Wang)呂啓誠 (Chi-Cheng Lu)方世華 (Shih-Hua Fang)
Background: The intestinal mucosa is the first-line defense of the mucosal immune system. The tight junction of intestinal epithelial cells forms the intestinal mucosal barrier, which prevents the invasion of pathogens. The blood is preferentially distrib-uted to active muscles and the cardiopulmonary system during high-intensity exercise. At this time, the blood flow distributed to the gut is reduced, which affects the integrity of the intestinal epithelial cells. To elite athletes, the accumulated physical and psy-chological stresses increase gastrointestinal permeability, affecting intestinal mucosal immunity and increasing inflammation to cause athletes to often experience gastrointestinal discomfort before or during exercise. That is detrimental to athletes’perfor-mance and recovery. Summary: In this review, we discussed the strategies via glutamine supplementation for better and faster recovery of athletes from gastrointestinal damage caused by exercise. Glutamine supplementation is beneficial in changing gut microbiota composition and immune function and reducing the risk of infections. Moreover, long-term supplementation (14 to 30 days), a single dose of 0.1 to 0.15 g/kg, or continuous supplementation of 0.07 to 0.1 g/kg per day before the start of the exercise had positive effects on athletes’intestinal and immune functions, sports performance and post-exercise recovery. In addition, glutamine supplementation reduced the gastrointestinal damage caused by exercise and heat stress in a hot environment. However, the dosage and duration of supplementation should consider factors including the age, health status, absorption capacity of athletes, and the type of exercise. Future studies could explore the effects of glutamine supplementation on gastrointestinal functions after exercise and relevant mechanisms to provide more scientific data for athletes to choose their supplements.
起訖頁 9-23
關鍵詞 增補劑麩醯胺酸腸道通透性黏膜免疫功能supplementglutaminegastrointestinal permeabilitymucosal immune function
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報  
期數 202212 (35期)
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2022120035002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 國家運動訓練中心體能檢測應用概況
該期刊-下一篇 徒手高強度循環訓練對心肺適能;身體組成與肌肉適能的影響




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