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The Light and Shadow of ESG from Corporate Directors’Duty to Monitor
作者 莊永丞
Considering both domestic and global viewpoints, the question of whether for-profit juridical entities, namely corporations, bear an ethical obligation to fulfill their ESG responsibilities remains a subject of debate without a unanimous consensus. Some scholars argued that it is imperative to mandate corporations to adhere to ESG principles to facilitate the sustainability of their operations. However, our nation’s legal framework does not explicitly require companies to fulfill ESG obligations. The adoption of ESG practices should rightfully fall within the purview of a corporation’s board of directors, as a matter of business decision-making autonomy, with the government refraining from unwarranted intervention.
Furthermore, as the director’s duty to monitor is encompassed by fiduciary duties, if the law were to compel corporations to undertake high-standard ESG practices, then decisions by the board of directors to abstain from ESG initiatives or engage in passive inaction, thereby resorting to equivocation, could potentially be construed as shirking for self-enrichment and a breach of their duty of loyalty to the company and its shareholders. Consequently, the mandatory inclusion of high-level ESG standards in the law not only jeopardizes the substantial discretion vested in directors regarding business operations, but also infringed upon the constitutionally protected freedom of speech of the corporations. As such, this Article asserts that policymakers should refrain from enacting ESG-related regulations solely to pursue ESG ideals. The determination of whether a company should implement ESG practices should rest with its board of directors, who, based on their professional expertise and available information, are best positioned to make business judgments that maximize shareholder benefits.
起訖頁 71-89
關鍵詞 ESG忠實義務忠誠義務監督義務BJREnvironmental Social Governance (ESG)Fiduciary DutyDuty of LoyaltyDuty to MonitorBusiness Judgement Rule (BJR)
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 202311 (342期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.53106/1025593134205   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 通常訴訟第二審程序之新變革(下)──金字塔型訴訟制度中第二審之建構
該期刊-下一篇 初論信託受託人義務規範之性質




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