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Adaptation to Climate Change and Insurance Mechanism:A Feasible Proposal Based on a Catastrophe Insurance Model for Taiwan
作者 汪信君
In response to mitigating catastrophe risk resulting from climate change, insurance plays a crucial role in transferring and spreading risk. While little debate exists among scientists and evidences as to whether human activities are significantly causing the trend of increasing global temperatures which will lead to climate change, it is still impossible to predict the effect on climate caused by increasing concentrations of Green House Gases (as GHGs). This also leads to the uncertainty of economic losses due to extreme-weather-related events and increases the difficulties of modelling catastrophe risk to the insurance industry. As the uncertainty of climate change risk will significantly affect the insurability of liability relating to tort litigation, it would be essential to discuss the appropriate insurance mechanism to distribute and reallocate catastrophe risk. With regard to liability insurance model mainly based on torts and environmental liability, it should consider not only liability regime for such damage (i.e., negligence, strict, and retroactive) but also the burden of proof regarding causal uncertainty. Therefore, appropriateness of liability insurance would rely on the efficiency of tort-based climate change litigations. On the other hand, insurance mechanism based on compensation (e.g. compensation scheme and compulsory insurance) seems to provide with the direct financial protection for victims affected by climate change... Several developed insurance models relating to catastrophe risk (for instance, earthquake fund can be considered as an efficiency model for adaptation to climate change. In this work, the author would focus on the comparative study between liability insurance based on the emitter’s liability and first-party insurance based on the compensation of the victims of climate change. Taking into account with current insurance schemes in Taiwan, this work intends to propose a viable insurance mechanism for adaptation to climate change.
起訖頁 317-343
關鍵詞 氣候變遷巨災保險侵權行為責任保險因果關係微型保險環境責任Climate ChangeCatastrophe InsuranceTortsLiability InsuranceCausationMicroinsuranceEnvironmental Liability
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 201409 (9:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
DOI 10.3966/181263242014090902004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 Norwegian Penal Norms: Political Consensus, Public Knowledge, Suitable Sentiment and a Hierarchy of Otherness




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