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The Research of Shadow Banking and its Regulation
作者 李紹煜

金融體系下除了直接金融與間接金融體系外,尚有一支混雜於二者之間而從事金融服務的「影子銀行體系」(Shadow Banking System),除了被認為是2007年次貸危機的肇因,在近年更有逐漸成長的趨勢。又影子銀行作為金融體系中較特別的一支,傳統上監管力道本不若中介機構的高度監管,而其本身尚具備替代銀行的信用中介功能,若仍保持低度監管,其業務活動蘊含的系統性風險,金融海嘯的歷史相信已是相當借鏡;再者,影子銀行在近十年仍持續蓬勃發展,在當今金融體系中已佔不可動搖地位,應如何在穩定金融市場秩序與促進市場活動之間取得平衡,在維持市場的運作且避免金融消費者受到系統性的不利風險,而落實於監理層面,即為本文著重重點。
2009年的G20高峰會針對2008年金融海嘯造成的全球經濟危機進行檢討,其就金融監理的強化提出若干作為,最具體的便是成立了「金融穩定委員會」(FSB),以此作為負責促進及監控各國金融監理運作,並與巴塞爾銀行監理委員會(BCBS)、國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)等進行合作,對於影子銀行定義、範圍與監理機制劃定一明確標準,並逐年提出研究報告以監控國際間影子銀行的發展。在比較法中,影子銀行發展最盛的美國通過了Dodd-Frank Act進行嚴格監管,雖然之後在川普總統任內有些微鬆綁,但所建構的監理機制仍值得他國借鏡;中國大陸影子銀行成因則有別多數國家,因而發展出中國特色的影子銀行,除了國務院出具的107號公文,2020年底由銀保監會出具的影子銀行報告亦是了解該國對於影子銀行監管的重要素材。
Besides direct finance and indirect finance, there still one concept— Shadow Banking System, between these two financial systems. It is thought one of the reasons of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in 2007, and it also has gradually increased its scale in recent years. Besides, Shadow Banking as one of the special systems between the financial systems, it has been much less regulated compared to the other financial intermediaries. However, since it still equips some extent of the credit intermediary functions of the traditional banks, if it still keeps lower regulation, the systemic risk of its activities may become a significant problem like the Financial Crisis in 2008. Moreover, because of the gradually development of the Shadow Banking System in recent decade, it has a solid status in the financial system nowadays. Thus, how to balance and stabilize the order of the financial market and the facilitation of the market activities, becomes the main point of this article.
In The 2009 G20 London Summit, it focused on the topic of the global economic crisis since 2008. In order to strengthen the financial regulation, one of the acts is to establish Financial Stability Board (FSB). Its major responsibility is to facilitate and control the operation of the financial regulation and cooperate with The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) and so on international organizations. Besides, they also set out a clear standard of the definition, scope, and mechanism of the regulation of Shadow Banking, and propose the supervision research every year. In the observation of the comparative laws, after the Financial Crisis in 2008, U.S. government has passed the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to strictly regulate the development of the market activity. Although the regulation has been loosened by the government of President Trump, its regulation mechanism still has the value for other countries to refer. Moreover, for the reasons of the development of the Shadow Banking System are different from other countries, Shadow Banking has been developed its unique characteristic in China. Besides the Document of No. 107 published by The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Shadow Banking report published by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in 2020 is also one of the important methods to realize the policy and the status of the situation of the country.
Therefore, this article starts from here. Firstly, in recognition of the positive functions of Shadow Banking, this article tries to locate it in the financial system. Secondly, in observation of the risk of Shadow Banking, this article tries to refer the regulation between comparative laws and the international organizations. Then, this article tries to find out the insufficiency of the regulation of the country and tries to propose the suggestions of the financial supervision to keep the goal of the financial stability under the prudential supervision.
起訖頁 1-211
關鍵詞 影子銀行審慎監管系統性重要機構金融中介金融消費者保護金融不穩定假說陶德—法蘭克華爾街改革暨消費者保護法案Shadow Bankingprudential supervisionSystemically Important Financial Institution (SIFIs)financial intermediariesfinancial consumer protectionFinancial Instability HypothesisDodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd– Frank Act)
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 陽明交通大學 
該期刊-上一篇 打擊資助武器擴散之國際規範與我國資恐防制法之調和
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