The rapid advancement of digital technology has increased the convenience of people’s daily living, expanded the possibilities of information and learning, shortened the distance between people in interpersonal interactions, and enriched people’s lives. The Internet of Things and technological devices have been increasingly applied in medical settings and equipment. However, people with bad intentions have inflicted various forms of gender-based violence using Internet, media, or digital environment, including cyberstalking, monitoring, harassment, collecting personal information, voyeurism, disparagement, and threatening, causing serious damage to privacy and personal safety and affecting society broadly.Incidents of patients admiring, pursuing, or even stalking and harassing healthcare professionals after receiving their care are not uncommon, particularly under the circumstance that most nursing professionals are women. Understanding the issues of gender-based violence brought about by digital and Internet technologies and safeguarding the gender equality and dignity of healthcare professionals at work and in life are critical for maintaining the safety of healthcare workplaces.