The contemporary competency-based medical education (CBME) focuses on individuals’ entrustable professional activities (EPAs) and milestones. The EPAs that describe professional work complement the milestones that describe individual competencies. In recent years, EPAs have become a key component in international CBME due to their high operability. Elaine Van Melle et al. proposed five core components of CBME: outcome competencies, sequenced progression, tailored learning experiences, competency-focused instruction, and programmatic assessment. This core components framework could facilitate the implementation of CBME. EPAs should be written using eight descriptive items, an appropriate entrustment scale, and assessment methods such as entrustment-based discussion; the A-RICH (Agency, Reliability, Integrity, Capability, Humility) framework should be employed to aid entrustment decision making. CBME may be extended vertically from resident doctor training to medical student training and postgraduate year training. Technologies may also be incorporated for assessment in CBME. In the near future, time-variable training programs are likely to be realized and will be an indicator for the full-scale implementation of CBME.