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Identification of the Suspect and the Progress of the Statute of Limitations
作者 黃士軒
Whether the investigating acts made by investigating authority to specify the person who committed a crime, have the effect to stop the statute of limitations from running out is an important question of the Taiwanese criminal law interpretative theory. Recently a decision of the Taiwanese supreme court has been made concerning this question. In the decision, the court took an affirmative position. However, not only is the authority concerning the legislative history of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China tun clear, but whether the court’s opinion is consistent with the court’s judicial practices in tradition remains a question. To clarify these questions and examine the propriety of the court’s decision, this article first introduces the background and the theoretical reason for the decision. Secondly, this article scrutinizes the traditional judicial practices of the Taiwanese supreme court to perceive the meaning of this decision in the development of the practical interpretative theory. In the following parts, this article reconfirms the legislative history to perceive the meaning and the grounds of the statute of limitations expressed by the legislator. Based on the results, this article makes a critical remark on the court decision mentioned above.
起訖頁 305-373
關鍵詞 追訴權時效時效停止偵查起訴審判減少誤判危險偵查資源的合理分配The Statute of LimitationsCeases-to-run of the Statute of LimitationsInvestigationProsecutionTrialto Avoid the Risk of MisjudgmentReasonable Distribution of the Investigative Resources
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 202306 (173期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.53106/102398202023060173005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 從德國法角度評析我國二○二二年刑事訴訟暫行安置新法




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