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Differences in Learning Achievement of Children of New Residents and Nonnew Residents in Junior High Schools
作者 張芳全 (Fang-Chung Chang)

臺灣的新住民與非新住民子女就讀國中在各學期的學習成就差異被人忽略。本研究以基隆市國中生學習狀況調查資料庫,探討新住民與非新住民子女就讀國中在不同學期之在國文、英文、數學、社會、藝文、自然、健體、綜合活動學習領域之學習成就差異。為避免分析時間過近,分別間隔一年對資料分析,從資料庫獲得 15 所國中 1,586 名學生三個學期各領域學習成就,透過多變項變異數分析獲得以下結論:就讀國中的新住民與非新住民子女分別在國一下學期、國二下學期及國三下學期的國文、英文、數學、社會、藝文、自然、健體、綜合活動之學習成就沒有明顯差異。這打破新住民子女的學習表現比起非新住民子女還低的社會刻板印象。本研究貢獻在於發現,新住民與非新住民子女在八項學習成就沒有不同,學校、教師及學生不宜有刻板印象。針對結論深入討論,提出具體建議。



The differences in the academic achievements across semesters and areas of study of the children of new residents and residents studying in Taiwanese junior high schools have been ignored. The present study used the Keelung City Junior High School Students’ Learning Survey Database to explore the differences in the achievement in Chinese, English, mathematics, sociology, arts and literature, natural sciences, physical fitness, and comprehensive activities between the children of new residents and those of residents studying in junior high schools in different semesters. The data were analyzed at intervals of 1 year. 3 semesters of learning achievements of 1,586 students in 15 junior high schools were obtained from the database. Multivariate analysis of variance was used, and the following conclusions were drawn: The learning achievements of the children of new residents did not differ from those of residents in Chinese, English, mathematics, sociology, arts and literature, natural science, physical fitness, or comprehensive activities in the second semester of the first, second and third year. This contradicts the widely held belief that children of new residents have lower academic performance than children of residents. The findings of this study demonstrate that the learning achievements of the children of new residents and residents do not differ in the eight learning domains; schools, teachers, and students should disregard the aforementioned widely held belief. The study conclusions are discussed, and specific suggestions are provided.


起訖頁 025-048
關鍵詞 多變項變異數分析學習成就學習領域國中生Academic Achievement Field of Study Junior High School Students Multivariate Analysis of Variance
刊名 教育研究學報  
期數 202304 (57:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學院
該期刊-上一篇 大學生在效益論和正義思維兩難情境中客觀立場與置身其中的比較
該期刊-下一篇 「反擊型」男性親密暴力者的心理機制:華人關係主義的觀點




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