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Walked through Two Decades: Review and Prospect of Indigenous Peoples Education Act
作者 蔡志偉
Indigenous Peoples Education Act is the first piece of legislation in Taiwan that takes “ethnicity” as the normative subject. The aforementioned Act has transformed the national indigenous education governance from planned supporting policy to the construction of institutional education rights. The legislative transformations have also testified that the relationship between the state and indigenous peoples has gone through colonial governance, authoritarian rule, and democratization. On August 1st, 2016, President Tsai Ing-wen, on behalf of the government, delivered a national apology to indigenous peoples for the historical injustices the successive authorities had brought upon them. Among its significant influences, the national apology has initiated the 3rd wave of indigenous rights movements. Further, in this regard, the government has launched a series of indigenous legislative constructions, including the revision of the Indigenous Peoples Education Act.
Firstly, this article outlines the historical context of the national indigenous education governance. Next, by reviewing the consecutive “Five-Year Plan for the Development of Indigenous Education” and the Indigenous Peoples Education Act revisions, this article dwelled upon the results from the 2019 amendment. Finally, supplementing with international development trends on indigenous education rights, this article analyzes the reasoning of contemporary indigenous education rights and re-establishes its practical framework.
起訖頁 171-231
關鍵詞 山地行政原住民族教育治理原住民族運動原住民族教育法原住民族教育發展計畫原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義原住民族法主體集體權多元文化Mountain AdministrationIndigenous Education GovernanceIndigenous MovementIndigenous Peoples Education ActIndigenous Education Development ProgramIndigenous Historical Justice and Transitional JusticeIndigenous Legal SubjectivityCollective RightMulticulturalism
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 202303 (172期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.53106/102398202023030172003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 從客工到移民之路──借鏡德國移民法之變遷過程,檢視我國移民(工)法制與政策
該期刊-下一篇 從比較法觀點談未成年病人之醫療自主決定權──兼論未成年病人為預立醫療決定之可能性




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