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From the Authoritarian Regime to Democratic Discursive Governance: Taking the Flood Control Plan in Taipei Area as an Example
作者 諶錫輝 (Shi-Hui Chen)

Due to the insufficient of public participation and the failure to acquire development consensus through scientific democratization, the major water resource development plan in the south, Gaoping Lake Development Plan, has been stagnated. Through a dynamic view, this researoh will discuss the different decision-making process of flood control plans for water conservancy policy in the development of democratization in Taiwan.

It emphasizes the multiple performances in different stages such as in the era of authoritarian, democratic transformation and the rotation of political parties, and discusses the flood control plans taken in different democratization periods through the research of literature and the following three events.

First, the event of relocation of Chou-Hou Village is the most representative of non-political social movements in the era of authoritarianism led by the party. The second flood control plans representative is Keelung River cut-off and straightening Project, which was Local knowledge overrides the professional policy of democratic transformation. The last one is the master plan of the Keelung River after the rotation of political parties, which was completed through strong negotiation. After analysis and research, it is found that under the current context of democratic governance in Taiwan, when water conservancy policies are formulated and implemented, professionalism and technocrats need to transform into democratic consultative governance through the process of deliberative democracy and scientific democratization to reduce public confrontation and establish governance legitimacy.

起訖頁 011-039
關鍵詞 民主協商科學民主化專業主義淡水河審議式民主democratic discursivedemocratization of scienceprofessionalismDanshui Riverdeliberative democracy
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 202210 (24期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 數位技術賦能服務再造:以上海「一網通辦」改革中的「一件事」為例
該期刊-下一篇 繁文縟節和認知組織績效:企業精神管理在臺灣地方政府中是否發揮作用?




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