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On the Composition of the Ruling Group in the Early Eastern Han Dynasty from Liu Xiu’s Official Appointment Policy
作者 許偉恒




By reshaping the process of the establishment of the Eastern Han regime, this article analyzes how the problems of governance faced by Liu Xiu at different stages led to the adjustment of the Official Appointment policy. This article roughly divides the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty into three stages. The first stage was the period from 24 to 25 C.E. Liu Xiu was not accompanied by soldiers at the beginning of his entry into Hebei. When Liu Xiu striked for independence in Hebei in 24 C.E., he had to recruit Hebei soldiers to build the army due to insufficient military power on his own. This move caused a serious power imbalance within the ruling clique. The second stage was the period from 25 to 30 C.E. Liu Xiu actively promoted the Nanyang generals so as to suppress the power of the Beizhous’. But at the same time, the forces of the generals of Nanyang were growing, which was not conducive to the balance of power within the ruling group. In the third stage, Liu Xiu discoverd that the power of Nanyang generals was expanding, so he changed to promote more close relatives of Nanyang, and formed marriage bonds with Hexi nobles to suppress the excessive expansion of Nanyang generals’ power. Liu Xiu’s series of measures effectively suppressed the development of Nanyang generals’ forces, and successfully brought political and military power back to the circle of relatives with Liu Xiu as the core, thus ensuring the consolidation and stability of imperial power. In other words, Liu Xiu’s employment policy not only determined the positions and roles of heroes and relatives in the ruling group in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, but also profoundly affected the political development trend of the early Eastern Han Dynasty.


起訖頁 067-135
關鍵詞 劉秀東漢功臣外戚用人政策Liu XiuEastern Han DynastyNanyang generalsrelativesOfficial Appointment Policy
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 202212 (14期)
該期刊-上一篇 西漢晚期的三公制與新莽四輔制再探
該期刊-下一篇 東漢宦官階層新論—— 以《隸釋》《隸續》宦者碑為中心




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