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Diary of a Newlywed Poet (1917): Form and Metric of the Poems
作者 袁子涵




Diary of a Newlywed Poet is a poetic word with characteristics of a "true diary" and its own peculiarities. From a metric point of view, Juan Ramón Jiménez not only uses the free verse, but also introduces a great amount of poems in prose. However, in some of these texts, traditional metric elements are clearly showed, although sometimes with some exceptions. In this sense, the present paper offers an analysis of these elements from a syllabic and rhythmic perspective. In the first part, a general vision of Spanish poetry´s metric elements will be studied; and posteriorly, it will investigate how some of these elements are applied in the poems of Diary of a Newlywed Poet. Therefore, this study will help to stimulate greater interest in Spanish poetry among Asian readers and encourage criticism from experts in the field of literature, especially in the field of literary comparison and contemporary poetry.


起訖頁 069-092
關鍵詞 一個新婚詩人的日記胡安·拉蒙·希梅內斯西班牙詩歌當代詩歌詩學研究
刊名 語文與國際研究期刊  
期數 202212 (28期)
出版單位 文藻外語大學
該期刊-上一篇 漢朝民間歌謠之修辭技巧
該期刊-下一篇 道家對法語作家的影響—論道家思想在法語文學中的接受度




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