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The study of analysis on dynamic capability of specialty barista in Taiwan - Examples of the winners of World Coffee Champion (WCE)
The study of analysis on dynamic capability of specialty barista in Taiwan - Examples of the winners of World Coffee Champion (WCE)
作者 Tzu-Wen Chang (Tzu-Wen Chang)

Coffee is popular in Taiwan, and opening a café is one of the top choices for those who wish to start a new business. The high attrition rate reported in the 2020 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan hints the intense challenges that privately owned cafés must overcome to stay in business. This study administered a semi-structured in-depth interview on winners of the World Coffee Champions (of the World Coffee Events) and performed narrative research to explore the difficulties these baristas have experienced in a highly unstable, dynamic environment and the trajectory and path. The results indicated that these individuals all exhibited exceptional and dynamic perception and opportunity-seizing abilities relative to procedures, business positioning, and paths. Their adaptive business models have enabled them to successfully start their business, reach greater heights in entrepreneurship and in cultural value, thus turning them into leaders in the industry. The dynamic capabilities development of these entrepreneurs can be divided into three stages: three dimensions, three advanced procedures, and three spirits. With this, the study drew the following conclusion: by constantly striking a balance between individuality and market value, the champion baristas allow the two to achieve greatest synergy. A dynamic capability matrix was developed, dividing entrepreneurs into four levels: worker, artisan, expert, and master. This study provides prospective coffee entrepreneurs, and those who have started their business, a chance to examine their capabilities and position from the shoulder of giants.


起訖頁 001-028
關鍵詞 Dynamic capabilitiesBaristaSpecialty coffeeWorld Coffee Champion (WCE)
刊名 企業管理學報  
期數 202209 (47:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學企業管理學系
該期刊-下一篇 Generating positive online word of mouth via brand image and trust: The moderation role of perceived privacy




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