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Market Power of Digital Platforms and Press Pluralism: Focusing on Legislative Initiatives on the Remuneration Issue
作者 翁禎翎
In the digital era, digital platforms have replaced news publishers as the gateways for consumers to access online news, and news publishers are facing revenue difficulties and tensions with digital platforms. News publishers argue that digital platforms do not burden the time and cost of producing news, but gain more advertising revenue from news content and keep consumers in their ecosystems. As press pluralism is essential to the proper functioning of a democratic society, the need to enable news publishers to recoup their investments for sustainable development has become an urgent task, and there are calls for national policy and legal intervention.
News publishers rely on referral traffic provided by digital platforms, making the latter unavoidable trading partners. Regardless of the need for remuneration varies by case, the core problem of the news publishers’ difficulties is the market power of digital platforms and significant imbalance bargaining power between them. This thesis explores whether the purpose and implementation of these legislative initiatives are suitable for dealing with the issue of remuneration, and thus constitutes a legal basis for making digital platforms to pay in order to maintain the sustainable development of the press industry.
This thesis argues that the creation of ancillary right for news publishers under copyright law does not seem to be able to deal with the issue of remuneration. The main purposes of intellectual property law to promote creative incentives and reduce transaction costs is not the core of the remuneration issue, and the creation of ancillary right might undermine the overall functioning of copyright system. It is also doubtful whether the German and Spanish legal experience can make digital platforms pay for the news. Furthermore, the decisions made by the Autorité de la concurrence have confirmed that it is a issue that cannot be solely fixed by intellectual property law. As for competition law, it is enforced generally ex post and on a caseby- case basis, and therefore has its limitations in addressing the remuneration issue.
While granting exemptions from the prohibition on cartels or establishing safe harbor provisions may be helpful to balance the bargaining power, the main purpose of competition law is not to address the redistribution of wealth regarding the remuneration issue. A digital platform regulation with public policy objectives that can broadly address the imbalance of power may be more appropriate, but it should still focus on facilitating negotiations and be based on the principle of not interfering excessively with the freedom of commercial operation and contract of digital platforms.
起訖頁 1-158
關鍵詞 數位平台新聞出版者分潤議題附屬著作權競爭法管制法規digital platformnews publisherremuneration issueancillary copyrightcompetition lawregulation
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 臺灣大學 
該期刊-上一篇 論選舉不實訊息的刑事規制:以公共性原則之保護為中心
該期刊-下一篇 論選舉不實訊息的刑事規制:以公共性原則之保護為中心




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