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Improving Competition Investigation Procedure and Advocating the Law Amendment in Taiwan
作者 魏杏芳
公平會職司限制競爭案件的查處,原本就比一般經濟行政事務更為複雜棘手,尤其面對跨國科技巨擘如Google, Facebook (Meta)不斷提出的創新技術與新型商業模式,倘若公平會未被賦予充分的調查權力,並持續講究調查與採證方法,同時兼顧程序中的權利保證事項,則公平會欲維持在數位經濟時代應有的執法效能,實不可得。本文就現行公平交易案件行政調查程序的諸多面向進行檢討,包括得依職權展開任意調查的觀念、建立強制產業調查機制、賦予公平會完整的行政檢查權力,以及得對到場檢查的決定單獨聲明不服等,並提出修正相關條文的具體建議,盼能引起各界正視此一亟待處理的問題。
Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (TFTC) is responsible for the antitrust law enforcement and the cases under investigation by TFTC are comparatively complicated than other economic issues handled by other administrative agencies. For the purpose of fulfilling its responsibility, it is imperative, from the author’s opinion, to invest TFTC with full and sufficient power for investigation by law, to improve its methods for investigation, and to protect the parties’ procedural right during investigation. In this paper, the author examines a variety of legal issues relating to Taiwan’s competition investigation procedure, including ex officio discretionary investigation, coercive sector inquiry, full administrative inspection power, and the direct appeal by the undertakings in question to the on-site inspection decision, etc. Following a series of elaboration the author also proposes the relevant articles for amendment of the Fair Trade Act. Hopefully this paper can provide a momentum for further discussions on this subject and ultimately can help improve and enhance the competition enforcement by TFTC in Taiwan.
起訖頁 115-139
關鍵詞 職權調查主義產業調查行政調查行政檢查拂曉突襲Ex Officio Discretionary InvestigationSector InquiryAdministrative InvestigationAdministrative InspectionDawn Raids
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 202208 (327期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.53106/1025593132706   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 智慧駕駛的法學思辨──自動駕駛法學的試車之旅
該期刊-下一篇 論被繼承人對繼承人負有債務




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