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Emergency Use Authorization Regulations:A Comparative Study
作者 張愷致 (Kai-Chih Chang)
我國二○一五年修正《藥事法》時增訂第48條之2,引進緊急使用授權(Emergency Use Authorization, EUA)機制,允許主管機關專案核准特定藥物之製造或輸入,利用未經批准或查驗登記許可的醫療產品或方法,診斷、治療或預防公共衛生緊急事件,且在二○ 二一年實施的《醫療器材管理法》第35條中同樣設有類似機制。然而,我國對緊急使用授權規範之縝密性和各類補充性指導及原則卻明顯匱乏,對於緊急使用授權之發動以及產品責任承擔等問題亦缺乏明確規範。本文擬透過比較法研究,對美國緊急使用授權制度進行分析及介紹,並與我國緊急使用授權規範比較後,對我國緊急使用授權制度規範提出剖析與建議,強化我國因應公共衛生緊急事件之法制建構。
During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries initiated the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to supply medical countermeasures (MCMs) onto the market without going through the complete FDA approval process. As a mechanism used in exceptional circumstances, EUA raises complex legal challenges among stakeholders over concerns such as issuance procedures, legal authority, product liability, etc. Like the U.S. EUA regulations under FDC&A, Taiwan’s pharmaceutical regulations also provide a EUA fast track procedures to supply necessary MCMs in response to the public health emergency under article 48-2 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and article 35 of the Medical Devices Act. The Taiwanese government may also authorize the production, importation, and/or use of unapproved pharmaceuticals and medical products following the rules further supplemented by the ‘Regulations for Approval of Specific Medical Products’ Manufacturing or Importing as a Special Case.’ This article compares and assesses the EUA regulations in the U.S. and Taiwan through the lens of comparative study and shall address the normative lacunae in Taiwan’s EUA rules. Policy and legislative suggestions will also be provided to improve Taiwan EUA regulations.
起訖頁 107-206
關鍵詞 國際管轄保護管轄程序保障以原就被消費契約勞動契約保險契約International Jurisdiction to AdjudicateProtective JurisdictionProcedural SafeguardActor Sequitur Forum ReiConsumer ContractEmployment ContractInsurance Contract
刊名 興大法學  
期數 202205 (31期)
出版單位 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 如何建構我國土壤及地下水污染整治法上的和解協議制度──以美國「全面性環境應變補償及責任法」的經驗為借鏡
該期刊-下一篇 國際民事訴訟法上契約弱勢當事人之保護管轄




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