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A Study on Seismic Retrofit of Suspended Transportation Systems and Automated Storage Systems in A High-tech Fabrication Plant
作者 柯敏琪 (Min-Chi Ko)姚昭智 (George. C .Yao)陳威中 (Wei-Cung Chen)黃秉毅 (Bing-Yi Huang)




The Overhead Conveyor (OHCV) and Stocker (STK) are most frequently used transportation and storage systems in high-tech factories and should not stop operation in an earthquake. However, these two systems are vulnerable to earthquake based on the Taiwan experience. In 2016 during Meinong Earthquake, damage of these two systems led to serious impact on high-tech factories. It not only shut down the production line, caused huge economical lose, but also delayed recovery process. This study aims to increase the seismic capacity of OHCV and STK for a high-tech factory. First, a rough numerical model to realize the true response under earthquake in the clean room was developed. By using full-scale static test and shaking table test, we can validate the dynamic characteristic of the numerical models. By considering the in-site situation, construction feasibility, and the economic demand, retrofitted bracing systems are developed. The strength of bracing is verified by component tests. Then, the efficiency for retrofitted OHCV and STK is verified by static tests and shaking table tests. Finally, the computed response in fab showed a drastically reduced response after the proposed retrofit.


起訖頁 001-016
關鍵詞 設備物高科技廠房懸吊式運輸系統自動化倉儲系統耐震補強Non-Structure ComponentsHigh-tech FabOverhead ConveyorStockerSeismic Retrofit
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202103 (115期增刊(技術專刊)期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 公有建築物繳交建築資訊建模(BIM)竣工模型之建材與設備交付資訊內容研究




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