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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Using Virtual Reality to Facilitate Adaptive English Vocabulary Learning Achievement and Motivation with Different Cognitive Styles |
作者 |
陳鴻仁 (Hong-Ren Chen)、林彣珊 (Wen-Shan Lin)、張雅雯 (Ya-Wen Chang) |
中文摘要 |
穿戴式科技逐漸普及成為教學領域中新興的學習科技,它可以在學習環境中提供獨特的優勢,不僅增進學習互動性的特色,並可讓學習者更加投入學習過程。隨著教學工具及學習平臺的發展,適性的學習教材及教學策略變得更加重要,而為因應學習者的個別差異,適性化的學習環境將有助於學習成效的提升。本研究設計虛擬實境適性英語字彙學習系統,以不同認知風格角度探討學習成效與學習動機的影響。針對臺中市某國小五年級學生採用準實驗研究法進行研究,實驗組為虛擬實境適性英語字彙教學組,控制組為傳統口述英語字彙教學組。研究結果顯示:一、採用虛擬實境適性英語字彙教學優於傳統口述英語字彙教學之學習成效;二、實驗組接受虛擬實境適性英語字彙教學後,學生之學習動機顯著提升;三、場地獨立型學生在虛擬實境適性英語字彙教學後,其學習成就優於實驗組之場地依賴類型學生及傳統口述英語字彙教學之場地依賴型與場地獨立型學生。 |
英文摘要 |
The high popularity of wearable technology has transformed learning technologies in education. Technologies not only provides interactions between learners and instructors but also allows learners to be more engaged into the learning process. Alongside with the developments of learning tools and platforms, it is also equally important to equip with required learning materials and arranged teaching strategies. An adaptive learning environment can provide suitable learning materials for meet the needs of learner’s needs and sustain the learning efficiency. This study aims at both designing and developing a virtual-reality system for providing adaptive English-vocabulary-learning environment. A quasi-experimental design, with the experimental group using virtual-reality adaptive English vocabulary learning system, is also employed to examine the learning achievements between the study group and the control group that runs the class at traditional teaching style. Both the learning efficiency and cognitive styles are examined. Results reveal that: (1) Greater learning efficiency was observed in the study group that utilized the virtual-reality adaptive English vocabulary learning system; (2) The motivations in learning are greatly improved in the study group who are involved in the virtual-reality adaptive English vocabulary learning system; (3) Learning achievements are improved at the post-usage process of the virtual-reality adaptive English vocabulary learning system. Discussions and suggestions are given in the end of the paper. |
起訖頁 |
031-054 |
關鍵詞 |
虛擬實境、認知風格、適性學習、學習動機、virtual reality、cognitive styles、adaptive learning、learning motivation |
刊名 |
數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 |
202201 (14:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
1993~2020年人工智慧應用於護理的研究趨勢:文獻計量法 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
情緒感知學習系統融入翻轉教室課程之學習成效評估 |