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On the Themes, Images, and Styles of Song People’s Writings about Sir Wang Jing
作者 鍾志偉




The evaluations of past generations on Sir Wang Jing, mostly in historical biographies, jottings, and short stories, lead to both positive and negative comments and have established a three-dimensional image of Sir Jing. However, there is yet no monograph on poetry, which is also one of the important genres in the writing system of stories about Sir Wang Jing. This article attempts to explore the discussions of figures in history-themed poems and to return to the beginning of the arguments on Sir Jing’s image and depict the image of him portrayed in Song poems. First, it discovers the polarized identity, as a prime minister with loyalty or a guilty person causing the ruin of the Song dynasty. Second, it organizes and analyzes the common materials and theme thoughts in writings about Sir Jing, such as creating atmosphere of elegies around tombs and shrines and fickleness of the world, sketching the reading hall and mocking new learning, and paying attention to inscriptions of calligraphic works and paintings and admiration for the past manner. Finally, it probes into the rhetoric of Song people’s writings about Sir Jing. For example, the structure design of opposition between one and many and expansion and contraction of time-space helps to highlight the effect of sighs with emotions. To give another example, the adjusted use of the words of Sir Jing’s poems adds new meanings to their original meanings. To sum up, this article exhibits vividly on paper the Sir Jing in Song poems and provides a reference for studies on the image of Sir Wang Jing shaped by history.


起訖頁 065-098
關鍵詞 宋詩王荊公主題形象黃庭堅Song poemsSir Wang JingThemeImagesHuang Ting-jian
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201912 (34期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「玄解」《世說》:以「桓公入峽」、「孫、褚論南北之學」為示例
該期刊-下一篇 傅斯年圖書館藏黃嘉善本《古今書刻》研究




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