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In the Opinions of the Archetypes of “The Legend of White Snake” on Li Bihua’s Adaptation Novel “The Green Snake” About the Feminine Fate of Pursuing Eros
作者 王秀珊




“The Legend of White Snake” has been one of “the Great Four Chinese Folk Legends”. A famous romance feminine writer, Li Bihua had rewritten it and renamed “The Green Snake”. Green Snake is revised to be the leading character instead of White Snake and even to be involved with the relationship of White Snake and her husband, Hsiu Xian. So the great romance of this legend in her adaptation was subverted. However, the typical charm of Li’s novels can be considered originating from the connection of the tradition of classical novels. There are some kinds of archetypes of pursuing eros and love called from the dialogues with ancient folk tales and modern times. Therefore, this paper would analyze the archetype elements in “The Green Snake” and announce the human nature and fates that affect the feminine self-development especially when it comes with love and eros since long time ago.


起訖頁 141-170
關鍵詞 白蛇青蛇李碧華原型女性愛慾White SnakeGreen SnakeLi Bihua(Lilian Lee)ArchetypesFeminine Eros
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201906 (33期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 批評與課士:晚明館課評點的特色與文化意義
該期刊-下一篇 從中國廣西東興京族語言環境的角度窺察京語的傳承方式:喃字




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