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A Study of Zhu Xi's Embodiment of Metacognition : Analysis of Mencius Gathering Essence
作者 李蕙如




Zhu Xi’s “Notes on Four Books and Chapters” has repeatedly changed, and his books are very different from each other. Therefore, after Zhu Xi’s death, Lu Xiaosun took “Language Class” and “Collection of Works,” said one by one, discussing the invention, and the series was one hundred. Volume "Four Book Sets Righteousness", but the contents are both complex, Yuan Confucian Liu because of its tedious, it is about its essence, compiled into "four books to set the essence of essence" book. It not only highlights Zhu Zi’s intentions in the process, but also explains why the system resolves the problem, supplements the unspoken language, and eliminates the need for evasive presentations. It can also highlight the conflicts, save the power, and delete it. Seeing, pure and objective, does not confuse it. It is helpful to understand the true meaning of Zhu Xi’s Notes on the Four Books and Chapters, and the reflection and development of Confucianism and Confucianism. This article tries to examine how the “Mencius” part of Liu’s “Four Men’s Book Collection Essays” is a metaphor for the screening of Zhu Zi in the perspective of classics and Confucianism. The establishment of the Zhu Zhu Zhu method provides the basis for inspection. In addition, the base used in this article is a rare full version of the National Palace Museum in Taipei. It has not yet been widely used by the academic community. The valuable point is not only the fine carving, but also the later generations that have not been turned and rarely seen, making it more valuable. Through the study of this article, when making this rare book more academic attention.


起訖頁 001-034
關鍵詞 孟子四書朱子學朱熹劉因MenciusFour BooksZhu ZixueZhu XiLiu Yin
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201812 (32期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 從東亞視野論《性理大全》的意義:以韓國與越南的流傳比較為中心




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