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Pictures Loaded with Aspiration:A Study of Women-authored Inscriptions on Kezi tu
作者 劉詠聰





Kezi tu(課子圖)is a category of paintings that illustrates scences of parents giving lessons to their children in an artistic form. It became fashionable in China around the Qing period (1644-1912). There are mainly two types of kezi tu focusing on mothers. The first kind includes paintings drawn by sons or other artists on their behalf. Filial sons did so to honor their mothers. The second category of kezi tu includes paintings produced by the mothers themselves. Only limited works of both types survive until today. However, many inscriptions of individual artwork could be found in anthologies and collected works. Therefore, it is still possible for modern readers to imagine or reconstruct the original pictures basing on surviving texts.

This article analyses women-authored inscriptions of kezi tu and studies how women demonstrated their agency and subjectivity via inscribing kezi tu paintings focusing on themselves or others. Qing women writers were known for their enthusiasm in producing writings of different genres, and channeling their voices in a male-oriented world. Inscribed texts on kezi tu is an invaluable source for us to explore how Qing women defended their say in history.


起訖頁 229-256
關鍵詞 課子圖課兒圖課女圖題詠丹青kezi tuke’er tuke’nü tuinscriptionspaintings
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201806 (31期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「錦繡才子」與社會性閱讀──新論金聖歎《第六才子書西廂記》




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