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Colony Architecture: ‘Building’ (Post) Coloniality through the Kaohsiung Museum of History
作者 林家暉 (Francis Chia-Hui Lin)

建築作為一種文化形式可以視為對於場所歷史建構性的再現。在亞洲,單一場所的建築客體所反應常常是複雜的地緣、歷史與文化印刻。這樣的現象在前殖民地或是類殖民城市中尤其明顯; 台灣就是一個非常特殊的案例。本文主張台灣建築在上述亞洲的建築複雜性與台灣本身具有的特殊社會與文化印記影響下具有兼具共時與歷時的雜揉特色。這樣的特色。本文試圖以詮釋亞洲文化政治的「殖民地化的建築」概念來呈現。為了具體化此一概念,本文企圖以對高雄歷史博物館建築在殖民歷史性的分析上作為方法論,並將此殖民歷史性結合案例現狀理論化為現代台灣的後殖民情狀之再現。這樣的後殖民情狀反映出的是當代台灣建築歷史與其印刻之殖民情狀在當下在場的後殖民氛圍下所反映出的雜揉與折衷再現。作為本文的主要研究標的,本文由對於建築的(後)殖民批判、形式分析以及歷史再現觀點檢視台灣的後殖民歷史性以及台灣的在世界建築史中的歷史定位。



Architecture, as a form of culture, represents the historicity of a place. In Asia, more often than not, more than one location, history and culture are simultaneously inscribed upon architectural objects that are located in one place. Formerly colonised and some quasi-colonised cities and countries are especially conspicuous; Taiwan is one remarkable example of the later. This paper argues that Taiwanese architecture, characterised by this Asian complexity along with Taiwan’s particular social and cultural registration, hybridises different forms of cultural-politics, either diachronically or synchronically, as an important reference of Asian ‘colony architecture’. This paper explores this colonial historicity by examining a historic built case in Kaohsiung, Taiwan – the Kaohsiung Museum of History. Modern Taiwan’s postcoloniality in culture and society are theorised through articulated eclecticism and hybridity registered with the case in the discussion to represent the building’s history and inscribed coloniality. It is to ask: how is the building, in different aspects, shaped by its representation of Taiwan’s (post)colonial historicity, and what is its reciprocal role in Taiwan’s history? This paper discusses these questions in terms of (post)colonialism, form and representation.


起訖頁 013-029
關鍵詞 亞洲殖民地化的建築雜揉歷史性後殖民情狀再現AsiaColony ArchitectureHybridityHistoricityPostcolonialityRepresentation
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201712 (102增刊(建築史論專刊)期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 東西相會:住居文化融匯視角下的上海里弄形態溯源與身份解構
該期刊-下一篇 帝汶島民居類型之構造系統研究(東帝汶與印尼西帝汶)




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