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Program to Reduce the Number of Motorcycle Accidents during Nursing Staff Commutes: An Empirical Study
作者 沈駿緯 (Chun-Wei Shen)鄭碧芬 (Pi-Fen Cheng)簡臆舫 (I-Fang Chien)王姮樺 (Heng-Hua Wang)陳繪竹 (Hui-Zhu Chen)

目的:依據中華民國交通部和內政部警政署2018年的統計資料顯示,國人機車擁有率達92.6%,是肇事車種第一名,本院護理人員連2年(2015~2016年)上下班機車事故達0.75件/月,希望能透過專案改善。 材料與方法:採問卷調查及訪談,原因為機車風險感知不足、防禦性駕駛觀念不足、颱風天上下班、醫院周遭路口無交通號誌標示、機車胎壓及胎紋不足;介入五構面14項措施,如:防禦性駕駛一條龍教育訓練、鮭魚洄游-機車交通事故人員回訓、SMITH防禦性駕駛闖關、颱風天員工機車通勤。 結果:護理人員上下班機車事故降為0.29件/月,失能傷害頻率降至1.10(5×106/4368000),達成率為149.2%;失能傷害嚴重率降至18.80(82×106/4368000),達成率為126.0%。 結論:強化護理人員防禦性駕駛觀念可有效降低機車事故發生率。



Purpose: According to 2018 statistics from the Ministry of Transportation and Communication of the Republic of China and the National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior, scooter ownership in Taiwan has reached 92.6%. Scooters accidents are the most common type of accident. The average occurrence rate of accidents during the commute of the nursing staff of the hospital in this study was 0.75 cases per month for 2 consecutive years (2015–2016). Materials and Methods: We collected data through a questionnaire and interviews. The following causes of accidents were identified: insufficient awareness of the risks associated with scooters, unfamiliarity with the concept of defensive driving, commuting during typhoons, absence of traffic signs or signals at intersections in the vicinity of the hospital, and insufficient tire pressure and tread. Fourteen intervention measures in five dimensions were adopted, namely one-stop training for defensive driving, refresher training for personnel involved in scooter accidents, Smith defensive driving challenges, safety improvements for commuters driving scooters during typhoons, scooter health checks, and regular inspections of scooters that have been involved in accidents at repair service centers. Results: As a result of this project, the average occurrence of accidents decreased to 0.29 cases per month. The disabling injury frequency rate and the disabling injury severity rate decreased to 1.10 (5×106/4368000) and 18.80 (82×106/4368000), respectively, which represent success rates of 149.2% and 126.0%, respectively. Conclusion: Increasing nursing staff knowledge of defensive driving significantly decreased the number of scooters accidents.


起訖頁 046-051
關鍵詞 護理人員機車事故防禦性駕駛Nursing StaffMotorcycle AccidentDefensive Driving
刊名 醫療品質雜誌  
期數 202107 (15:4期)
出版單位 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會
該期刊-上一篇 我的智慧醫療產業夢
該期刊-下一篇 應用遠距照護模式提升第二型糖尿病個案之血糖控制成效




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