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A Study on Overturning Limit of One-Sine Pulse Type Excitation to Free-standing Rigid Bodies
作者 姚昭智 (George. C .Yao)凃昭伃 (Chao-Yu Tu)王于愷 (Yu-Kai Wang)

2018年0206花蓮地震造成大量結構物受損,也造成非結構物遭受損害,以花蓮國軍醫院進豐門診處為例,因近斷層效應下較大瞬時位移、地表速度,使院內多項非結構物傾倒,如藥品冰箱、水塔和病例櫃等;結構物雖無明顯損壞,醫療功能卻暫時停擺,對於震災的搶救造成一定的影響。 本研究針對浮置的非結構物在近斷層震波下轉動行為,藉由實驗驗證已知理論公式,並經過簡化後提出適用於對稱、非對稱剛體簡化傾覆模型,以判斷非結構物是否需加固以防傾倒。利用簡化公式,可由已知剛體幾何條件,計算多種頻率單週期弦波下剛體傾覆限度。最後,將簡化模型結果與其他傾覆理論以及多組對稱、非對稱試體傾覆試驗結果作比對,確認其確實具有一定可靠度,可提供後續研究者作參考。



Based on the experiences learned from earthquakes, it is recognized that the losses to the non-structural component can be significant. This study aims to identify the overturning limit of free-standing rigid bodies. A numerical solution on the input level of one-sine pulse as a substitute of a near-fault ground motion is derived for the overturning of rigid bodies. Based on the rigid blocks rocking and overturning experiments, rocking moment of gravity can be reduced to time-invariant parameter. This enables us to avoid the computation of complicated differential equation. By the conservation law of angular momentum and the conservation law of mechanical energy, the overturning limit of certain geometric shape under vary frequency ground motion can be defined, and can be a reference to the further research.


起訖頁 021-040
關鍵詞 非結構物近斷層效應浮置剛體傾覆限度Non-Structural ComponentNear-Fault Ground MotionOverturningEarthquake ResponseCritical Response
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202012 (114期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從忠義亭的興衰探究清朝六堆之組織內涵演變
該期刊-下一篇 農地未登記工廠處理方案之生態系統服務影響分析─以彰化縣為例




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