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政大智慧財產評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on Construction of the Brand Value Measurement Model
作者 田祖武許家甄鍾宜靜
本研究首先釐清品牌權益之定義、影響因素、影響結果與衡量方式等,再建立綜合財務、會計、行銷等觀點的品牌價值金額衡量方式,以提供現今企業營運之參考。研究方法應用品牌財務評價與自由現金流量折現法,來預估企業未來營收與品牌事業淨收入。在考慮行銷面之廠商與非廠商因素之後,透過會計面之價格溢酬觀點來建立品牌對產品之加成價值,以建立完整品牌營收價值。最後,將上述品牌營收予以折現,得出最終品牌價值。由本研究評價方法之實證結果可知,影響品牌價值之因素非常多,價格溢酬並不能完全代表品牌價值,評斷品牌價值尚須考量行銷面因素。此外,本研究以次級資料為主,輔以專家意見調查法,也能有效地評估品牌價值。This research distinguishes the definition, influence factors, outcomes and measurement methods of brand equity. In order to provide the brand value measure more accurately, we synthesize the measurement methods with finance, accounting and marketing viewpoints of absolute brand value. The evaluation approach of discounted free cash flow model are applied to forecast the earning of the future and the net income of brand. After considering the company factors, non-company factors and price premium, we establish the brand value addition. Finally, we discount the brand earning to present value and obtain the final brand value. The results indicate that the price premium can not represent brand value at all. Besides, we can use secondary data and experts' opinions survey to get the brand value approximate calculation.
起訖頁 109-132
關鍵詞 Brand equity
刊名 政大智慧財產評論  
期數 200410 (2:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學智慧財產研究所
該期刊-上一篇 研發支出與人力資本對企業價值之影響
該期刊-下一篇 美國千禧年著作權法反規避條款對合理使用與競爭秩序之影響




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