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A Study of the Career Development Experiences and Factors of Highly Achieving Individuals with Disabilities
作者 邱滿艷張千惠韓福榮許芳瑜鍾聖音貝仁貴簡宏生陳月霞徐文豪林婉媛
本研究目的在於透過傑出身心障礙者的就業歷程,探討其就業影響因素。研究以立意取樣方式,訪談10 位身心功能障礙之金鷹獎得獎者或其「重要他人」。蒐集的資料包括:得獎者就業歷程的訪談逐字稿、相關出版品或影片、研究者訪視和觀察所作的備忘錄、討論會紀錄。研究從詮釋學觀點,運用NVivo8 質性分析軟體分析資料。研究發現,受訪者就業歷程的三大主要影響因素為:(一)個人因素,如個人特質、個人背景,以及個人信念等;(二)環境因素,如職場文化、工作內容、工作條件等;(三)與個人有關的歷程因素,如發展、社會化、自我抉擇,及個人欲達到與環境一致的作為等;以及與環境有關的歷程因素,如就業機會、勞動市場及政策等的變化。
The purpose of this study was to examine the career development experiences of 10 high-achieving individuals with disabilities. An informal, semi-structured, open-ended protocol based on the research questions was conducted, and data was analyzed using qualitative data analysis software-NVivo8 in a hermeneutics approach. The main findings of the study were as follows: (a) the vocational behavior model of high-achieving individuals with disabilities was conceptualized as an ecological system, which included personal factors and the environmental factors in their area; (b) personal factors were evaluated, including intelligence, education, family, disability, beliefs, and peer influences, among others; (c) environmental factors including the workplace culture, job structure, reinforcement system and so on were also considered. The model was heavily influenced by interior process actors (e.g. development, socialization, congruence, and self-determination) as well as exterior process factors (e.g. job opportunity, labor force, and policy). This study hopes to contribute to relevant policymaking and research in the future.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 傑出身心障礙者生涯發展就業影響因素high-achieving individuals with disabilitiescareer development
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 201011 (35:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 美國身心障礙學生考試調整策略成效之後設分析




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