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Liberal Democracy in State of Emergency: Seen by Standing on the Shoulders of Carl Schmitt
作者 趙弘植 (Hong Sik Cho)
This essay aims to assess the vitality of liberal democracy by subjecting it to the acid test of Carl Schmitt’s critique against liberalism. In emergency situation, someone, the president, the court, or whoever the case may be, has to take decisive action to cope with the emergency. There is an inherent risk that any such exercise of sovereign power may lead to its abuse. However, it is impossible to put in place a rule to address such abuse in advance due to the unpredictability of emergencies. The author rejects Schmitt’s democratic mysticism, which argues for popular government based solely on the people’s will for remedying the deficiencies of liberal democracy. Instead, the author argues that the key to resolving the problem of indeterminacy in rule of law in states of emergency should be building the conventions, whether legislative or judicial, necessary to control the sovereign’s exercise of emergency power, although it may take much time for such conventions to be widely established in the society. This stands whether one takes Wittgenstein’s view that indeterminacy can be seen as inherent in the concept of rule of law itself or Hayek’s functionalist definition of rule of law.
起訖頁 55-84
關鍵詞 Liberal DemocracyEmergencySovereign PowerRule of LawCarl SchmittConvention自由民主緊急狀態高權法治卡爾施密特慣例
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 200912 (4:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 The Emergence of Asian Constitutionalism: Features in Comparison
該期刊-下一篇 Images of the Market: Is Competitive De-regulation Inescapable?




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