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自景觀生態取向之綠色基盤系統建設探討 氣候變遷回應之城市治理
The City Governance Vision Planning in Response to the Climate Change: Towards a Landscape approach of Green Infrastructure Initiative
作者 郭瓊瑩葉佳宗
A systematic ecological approach is important for urban planning and management to adapt the impacts of environmental change caused by global warming. This paper reviews the history of urban governance and describes the anthropological wisdom of adaptation to the extreme climate and hard living condition. A landscape approach of green infrastructure system for urban governance and planning in response to the climate change is presented based on the analysis of the climatic threats to Taiwan’s urban areas. The proposed action programs includes: (1) to regard urban as a flexible and transformable organism; (2) to adjust infrastructures and development strategies to local geographical and climatic conditions; (3) to establish urban public infrastructure carried by the functions of landscape ecological system; (4) to develop new technology and life style to live with water in the lowlands of urban area.
起訖頁 31-63
關鍵詞 氣候變遷景觀生態取向之綠色基盤建設城市治理climate changeinfrastructural landscape approachgreen infrastructurecity governance
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201103 (2:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 亞洲四小龍公民社會組織的國際化網絡初探
該期刊-下一篇 高雄市做為東亞人權軸心城市之探討




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