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The Paradigm Shift of Urban Governance and the Trend of Environmental Governance: The Lesson of The Athens Charter
作者 吳濟華柯志昌
Since new public management prevails, local environmental management has been pinned down by its performance as well. But pursuing the economical efficiency numerically as the identification of an efficient government presents a doubt. However, the environmental management is constrained by the tool-oriented concept that seeks for short-term economical profits and citizen's ballots, and it seems never to break the spell of statistic management. Thus, it results in only making environmental sustainable management a dream. The research intends to probe the possible routes of the environmental governance and sustainable development by the directional performance of environmental governance, the multi-imagines of sustainable development constructed by diverse thoughts, and the paradigm shift in urban governance will be further combined. The research also refers to Athens Charter, revised several times since 1933, and tries to analyze its spirits of revision. Then, from the development of Athens Charter, we will be able to summarize the trend of implicit paradigm shift of urban governance and environmental management.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 城市治理環境治理典範移轉定向績效《雅典憲章》urban governanceenvironmental governanceparadigm shiftdirectional performanceAthens Charter
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201003 (1:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-下一篇 去界化與社區再生──縣市整併時社區軟治理初探




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