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Attachment Style, Emotion, and Non-Suicidal Self-Harm Behavior of Male Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Negative Emotion and Emotion Regulation Difficulty
作者 張景嘉陳畹蘭
無自殺意圖之自我傷害是一種個體採取故意、反覆造成身體傷害的行為。研究顯示負向情緒、情緒調節能力、和不安全依附關係是預測此行為的重要因子。過去相關研究多以女性青少年為對象,這樣的研究結果是否適用於解釋男性青少年的自傷行為則有待證實。本研究旨在檢驗男性青少年的負向情緒和情緒調節在焦慮依附和逃避和自傷行為的中介角色。結果顯示:焦慮和逃避依附會透過負向情緒影響情緒調節,進而對男性青少年的自傷行為產生影響。討論聚焦於焦慮和逃避依附對於自傷行為影響的機制。對未來研 究的建議和臨床工作的意涵也在討論提出說明。
Non-suicidal self-harm (NSSI) is defined as purposeful and socially-unacceptable behaviors, by which individuals repetitively made mild to moderate physical harms to themselves. Past research indicated that negative emotion, emotion regulation capability, and insecure attachment style are important factors predicting NSSI. Nevertheless, the intertwined effects among those factors need to be further explored. The majority of studies examining the mechanism of NSSI have focused mainly on female adolescents, however, it is not clear to what extent the hypothetical model is useful in understanding and explaining the NSSI of male adolescents. It is our goal to disentangle the association between anxious attachment, avoidant attachment and self-harm behavior of male adolescents by taking into account the mediating effects of negative emotion and emotion dysregulation. The results indicated that negative emotion and emotion dysregulation mediated the relationship between insecure attachment style and NSSI behaviors. The findings from the present study highlighted the importance of examining NSSI behaviors among male adolescents. The discussion focused on the mechanisms by which anxious and avoidant attachment style influence male adolescents' NSSI behavior. These results are discussed in the context of their clinical implication and direction for future research.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 自傷行為負向情緒逃避依附情緒調節困難焦慮依附Anxious AttachmentAvoidant AttachmentNon-Suicidal Self-HarmEmotion Regulation DifficultyNegative Emotion
刊名 長庚人文社會學報  
期數 201704 (10:1期)
出版單位 長庚大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 《莊子.齊物論》的指、馬之喻:批評與新詮




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