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Exploring the Influence of a Two Stage Reflective Teaching Practicum on the Development of Student Teachers' Practical Knowledge
作者 陳國泰
本研究旨在設計一個反省取向的二階段集中實習課程,以探討其對國小師資生實務知識發展的影響。為此,本研究以南部某學院師資培育中心國小教育學程修習「國民小學教學實習」課程的21 位師資生為研究對象,並將集中實習課程分成二階段,每階段皆駐校及在固定班級實習二週/10 天,且在第一階段實習前、後與第二階段實習後,分別安排7 週、5 週與2 週之反省取向課程活動(在第一階段實習後之5 週反省取向課程,本研究稱為增能課程),至於蒐集資料的方法則包括教室觀察、訪談及文件分析。經由一學期(約18 週)的探究,本研究有三點發現:(1)反省取向的二階段集中實習課程雖未改變個案師資生實務知識的上層結構(教學意象)之性質,但卻影響實務知識相關內涵的發展,而使教學意象更趨細緻化,亦使實務知識更具可行性。(2)反省取向的二階段集中實習課程促使個案師資生歷經「觀察與覺知、質疑與批判、探查與深究、頓悟與認同」等反省與澄清歷程,使師資生在教學目標知識、學習者知識及一般教學法知識等三項實務知識內涵上,產生較明顯的發展。(3)國小個案師資生在第一階段集中實習及增能課程期間反省所得之實務知識,由於相當清晰且具有明確方向,因而在第二階段集中實習返回相同班級、重新面對類似教學問題時,即能針對反省所得之實務知識予以驗證,而在收到良好教學成效後,乃進一步強化所獲得之實務知識。
The purpose of this study is to design a reflective teaching practicum with two stages in which an enhanced curriculum was arranged between the first and second stage, and then the study explored its influence on the development of student teachers' practical knowledge. Twenty-one student teachers taking the course of “teaching practicum” at center of teacher education in south Taiwan were invited to participate in this study, and data was collected by classroom observation, interviews and document analysis. The results were as follows: (1) Although student teachers' super structure of practical knowledge (i.e. image of teaching) was not influenced by the two stages of reflective student teaching course, their concepts of relevant practical knowledge was. Thus, their images of teaching were getting more exquisite enabling their practical knowledge to be more applicable. (2) Students teachers significantly developed their knowledge of teaching objectives, knowledge of learners, and knowledge of instruction through the reflective and clarifying process of observation and awareness, suspicion and criticize, investigation and exploration, and insight and identification. (3) The practical knowledge student teachers attained during the enhanced curriculum and the first stage of the student teaching course was very clear and in a definite direction; therefore, when they went back to the same classroom setting and were faced with similar teaching problems in the second stage, they would verify the practical knowledge developed through reflection, and their enhanced teaching effectiveness would reinforce their practical knowledge again.
起訖頁 025-066
關鍵詞 二階段集中實習課程反省取向的師資培育師資生教學意象實務知識image of teachingpractical knowledgereflective teacher educationstudent teachertwo-stage teaching practicum
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201106 (24:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 從學生人權觀點論「表意管教措施」之妥適性
該期刊-下一篇 網路與課室學習環境促進學童論證能力之效益




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