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Gendered Curriculum and Teaching—Class Experiences of Senior High School Students
作者 楊巧玲 (Chiao-Ling Yang)
本文是國科會研究專案成果的一部份,該研究旨在將青少年次文化中的性別現象加以問題化,深入瞭解青少年在校園生活中的性別經驗。事實上自一九七0 年代開始,便有學者指陳性別是校園生活中的主要組織原則之一,舉凡學校制服、學習科目、行政實務、教室活動、空間使用,在在都直接間接地具現性別,有人稱為性別政權(gender regime),有人稱為性別符碼(gender code)(Acker, 1988),而課程與教學則是其中的一部份,往往既形塑又反映學生在學校中的性別經驗(Connell, 2000; Kessler et al, 1985)。在課程研究的領域裡,Goodlad(1979)早已指出不同層次之間的差距,但是衡諸既有文獻,可以發現經驗課程這個層次較少受到研究者的注意,而學生觀點在研究中的缺席象徵其相對弱勢(Wood, 2003),本研究試圖彌補這個部份的不足,以台灣南部地區一所男女合校的高級中學為場域,在三個類組中各選一個班級,每班各分十組逐週進行焦點團體訪談,每組訪談大綱雷同,以利資料分析與經常比較,關於性別在類組選擇以及同儕互動方面所起的作用已經分別撰文發表,本文將著眼於學生針對與性別議題有關的課程與教學所做的自我陳述與小組討論,包括哪些課程提及性別相關的議題、教師如何進行、學生有何反應,並對現行高中課程的改革與性別平等教育的推動提出建議。
This article is part of a research project sponsored by the National Science Council. The entire purpose of the project is to problemtize the gender aspect of youth subculture and understand profoundly their gender experiences in school. Indeed, since the 1970s scholars have indicated gender as a major organizing principle in school life, such as school uniforms, subject areas, administrative practice, classroom activities, space utilization. Each of them all embodies gender in explicit and implicit ways. Some call it the gender regime while others the gender code (Acker, 1988), which entails curriculum and teaching which both shape and reflect students’ gender experiences in school ( Connell, 2000; Kessler et al, 1985). In the field of curriculum studies, Goodlad (1979) pointed out long ago the gap between and among different levels of curriculum, but the level of experiential curriculum has still not received adequate research attention in existing literature. And the lack of students’ perspectives in research symbolizes their disadvantaged position (Wood, 2003). This study attempts to address this insufficiency. Based on a co-educational senior high school located in the southern region of Taiwan, one class is selected from every different group, named the first, second, and third subject category and thus there are three classes in total. Each class is divided into ten groups and a focus group interview is conducted every week A similar interview guide is used in order to analyze collected data and make constant comparisons. Two other articles have been presented with respect to how gender influences high school students’ subject choice and peer interaction. This article focuses on students’ self report and group discussion about the topic of the curriculum and teaching with gender implications, including which courses or classes mention about gender-related issues, how they are taught, how students respond. It intends to draw out some suggestions for reforming the current high school curricula and promoting gender equity education in senior high.
起訖頁 19-34
關鍵詞 課堂經驗高中學生性別教育課程與教學class experiencessenior high studentscurriculum and teachinggender education
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 200610 (9:4期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 從父權荒野的放逐到親密母土的回歸─女性主義課程理論的奧狄賽之旅
該期刊-下一篇 教師課程意識覺醒的社會解放潛力




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