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The Study of Taiwan Indigenous Education: Its Development Backgrounds, Conceptual Frameworks and Curriculum Reform
作者 吳俊憲
After lifting the curfew 1987 in Taiwan, different fields, such as politics, society, economy, wre democratized, pluralism, and liberalization day by day. It made Taiwan people have the consciousness for their identity. Therefore, a series of reforms for indigenization rised. The education field was influenced by it, the local government in Taiwan had promoted a series of educational reforms. After 1990, Ministry of Education began to plan national indigenous educational policies. The purposes were to teach learners: (1)to know Taiwan deeply,(2)to promote the educational goals of "the indigenization of Taiwan", " the consciousness of Taiwan ', and "the subjectivity of Taiwan". Indigenous education now had been acknowledged as one of the most important educational issues especially in Taiwan.This essay aimed to study Taiwan indigenous education, including its development backgrounds, conceptual frameworks, and curriculum reforms. The main research methods were literature review and documental analysis. Three purposes were as follows: Firstly, to explore the development backgrounds of digenous movements and indigenous education in Taiwan; Secondly, to try to construct a conceptual system framework for Taiwan indigenous education and analyze some conceptions, including of: "what is the consciousness of Taiwan?" "What is the subjectivity of Taiwan?""What is indigenous education?" ,and so on.; Finally, to support some deliberative works for indigenous curriculum reforms and offer some suggestions based on the research conclusions.
起訖頁 61-80
關鍵詞 課程改革本土化本土教育curriculum reformindigenous educationindigenization
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 200601 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-下一篇 創造思考的心理技巧在創意產生之應用-以概念組合為例




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